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The Best Two Words EVER!!


That's right! I got to write THE END on the sequel to Sunrise Over Shippo last weekend!! Salvage Bunny 2 is officially a completed draft, and I'm SO freaking excited ya'll!!

I didn't actually celebrate with cotton candy. BUT. . .we have an amazing bakery just down the road. They have the best cupcakes ever. What kind of cupcake do you get when you finish a Salvage BUNNY story? A carrot cupcake ha! I'm hilarious. It was delicious and I want more. I rode that high of finishing a story for about a day before I dove right into editing. It's my life now. All I do is edit, edit, edit. I'm about a quarter of the way through. So far I've hit parts where I'm like, OMG I can't believe I actually wrote this!! I'm totally amazing!! And then there are the parts where I'm like, OMG. . .I can't believe I actually wrote this. I totally suck. So, you know, typical editing stuff LOL.

My goal is to finish my editing pass by this weekend so I can send it off to my amazing alpha readers. They'll tell me where it really sucks so I can fix it, and then it's off to Kevin Steverson (the Salvage Title Universe creator) for his stamp of approval. I've also got to come up with a cover art concept, a blurb (oh lord not a blurb argh), and probably more editing.

Hey look. . .an actual picture of me feeling pretty smug about those two little words before Editing and his friends Cover Art and Blurb tackled me!

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Space Hyenas in all this excitement. Nick has been working on it the past couple of days. I'll read through his section when he's done, add my spin to it, and then write some words. We've got a self-imposed deadline that we don't want to miss, and we're not slowing down. I'm honestly still a little shocked we managed 42K words in two weeks. That's insane, and I'm pretty proud of us.

I've also got this 4HU Depik companion novel that I'm alpha reading for some random guy named Casey Moores (no relation to Oops Moops in space hyenas I SWEAR). Holy cats, this story is so freaking good. Don't be jealous though, it'll be out soon enough. And if you can't wait for some Casey Moores awesomeness, he's got a new novel coming out next month on December 23. The Guilted Cage is a fantastic story set in the Fallen World universe, and you're not going to want to miss it. How do I know? I've already read it mwahahaha!!

I guess it's okay if you're a little jealous, because everything Casey writes is AMAZING. Go read his stories, you won't be even a little disappointed. You're welcome.

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