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The Art of Aggressive Positivity


So, I had this whole blog post written about how to deal with negative reviews, specifically the ones that were hilariously bad or needlessly cruel. And then I read through it, and decided nope. Not just nope, all the nope. I don't want to talk about that today. I don't want to get caught up in negative feelings, or talk about how we need a thick skin, or any of that crap. Today, I choose to be happy, I choose to be positive, and if that means I need to be a little proactive about it, fine then.

So let's talk about that instead, because it's so dang easy to get mired in those negative vibes, and that never does good things for our creativity. This is where good self-care practices come into play. There aren't any hard and fast rules for this. It's all about doing what's right for you. For me, that means cranking up the music and singing along (badly), or getting outside and taking my kids and dog for a walk, or maaaaaybe doing a few rounds of rage pushups (totally a thing, trust me). Or a combination of all three. In fact, I guarantee I'll be doing all three today, on top of some research reading, and writing in my current WIP. It also goes without saying that I'll be drinking a mocha or two, because YUM. And I'll probably bullshit a little with my friends, because you'll never convince me good friends aren't the best self care of all ; )

In writing news, my griffin project is over 30K, edits have been completed for a SUPER SECRET short story written with my evil twin Nick Steverson, I've got a surprise short story coming out on April Fools from Three Ravens, and Blood and Armor book four with the amazing Casey Moores is underway. Also space hyenas plotting with Nick, Salvage Bunny 4 plotting, a possible short story with Marisa Wolf, another short story with Nick in the fantabulous Kacey Ezell's Ashes of Entecea universe (the first novel, The Queen's Fixer out this Friday, March 22!!), and a final read-thru of my Valkyries novel Shadows May Fall (coming this September from Hit World Press). Who needs sleep, amiright? Until next week, folks!!

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