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  • melissaolthoff4

Comparing Productivity is a Losing Game

So this is something I’ve seen a lot of lately, and it’s something I’ve definitely been guilty of in the past. Okay, fine. I still occasionally do it, because sometimes we just can’t help ourselves. . . but comparing our productivity to other authors is like comparing apples and oranges. Not only does it not work, it can be disheartening and kill our motivation, especially when we forget that we’re not getting the whole picture. It’s like seeing somebody’s life on social media and wishing you were that cool, or happy, or successful. It’s not realistic, not in the comparison, and not in what you see. Heck, comparing your productivity to your own productivity doesn’t even work, because not every project is the same. I wrote Companions in Chains in ten weeks. I’ve never written that fast in my life. In comparison, Fallout on Darsaana took me eight months. Why? A lot of reasons. I kept getting diverted from Fallout by short stories, which didn’t help, and I realized too late that it needed to be two books, which also didn’t help LOL. But there are other factors that I don’t usually post about on social media, because they’re of a personal nature. Day job, kids, my husband’s work schedule. Those all play a part in how fast I can write. I try to be consistent, I set daily word count goals, but life has a way of derailing those things.

And we’re not just writers, are we? We’re whole ass people (just like we want our characters to be), not cardboard cutouts, and there’s so much more to our lives than writing. Even if it’s the Coolest! Thing! Ever! So remember to give yourself a little grace, and stop comparing yourself to others. It’s not a competition, and it’s not a race. . . I mean, unless you’re racing with someone, which can be fun (I’m looking at you, Nick)!

In writing news, I got to adjudicate edits for Companion in Chains yesterday and sent it back to my publisher. So now that both novels have been turned in, what’s next? I start a whole new novel, in my own universe, and I am ALL THE EXCITED!! I’ll even give you a hint. . .

Hehehe. The outline and first chapter are already done. . . because let’s face it, it’s winter, and I have no life after my kids go to bed when my husband is out on a trip LOL

Oooh! I almost forgot. In anticipation of Fallout on Darsaana’s release on March 1, I’ll be posting snippets on Facebook every Thursday until the release day. In case you missed the first one, here’s last week’s snippet!

Kailey made some choices in Knightfall Under Keros, now she's got to deal with the Fallout. . .

Panic made dropping back into the link quick, if not painless. I reached for one last command, slapped my mental hand down on the strand of code, and howled into the fading storm. Initiate full lockdown measures.

The limited AI acknowledged the command. Initiating full lock--

The gate closed.

The Warbird was gone.

And I screamed like half of my soul had been ripped away.

I hunched forward, one hand clutching at the command diadem. Another scream wrenched itself out of my throat. It felt as something had torn deep inside my mind, a jagged wound that didn’t bleed, but instead ached with a terrible sense of loss.

Like a vital part of me was missing.

I heard voices talking, shouting, arguing, but I couldn’t understand any of them. It was just noise. Desperately, I reached for the Warbird. Nothing. I felt nothing. My thoughts spiraled, as unruly as that damn storm within the Warbird. My stolen Warbird. I couldn’t stop reaching for it, couldn’t push the pain that wasn’t pain far enough away to ignore. It hurt.

Poor Kailey lol. Until next week, folks!!

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